The must haves of any goalkeeper

Worn gloves, injured fingers, pouring rain, stone hard pitches… Those are just some of the many challenges a goalkeeper might have to face. We cannot remove the challenges, but we can equip ourselves with the right goalkeeper accessories to overcome them.
If you’re really lucky you might have a pair of goalkeeper gloves for training and another pair for your games. Maybe you just have one really good pair of gloves that you use for both. No matter what, it takes an effort and the right goalkeeper accessories to keep your gloves soft and comfortable and prolong a great grip. Glove Glu, Glove Glu Wash & Prepare og Glove Gleam are some of the products that can help you prolong the life of your gloves. The washing products clean your gloves without damaging the latex, while the Glove Glu provides an improved grip.
When the rain is pouring down, you probably need more than Glove Glu. You need to be able to dry your gloves, and the Technical Aqua from Sells is an epic invention that you can bring everywhere and hang in the net
As a goalkeeper, you have probably experienced playing on a rock hard pitch, where every save causes bruises? Obviously that isn't a valid excuse for skipping training or especially a game - it just means you should get the right goalkeeper accessories with some extra protection that you can always bring with you. Sells and Uhlsport make sublime knee and elbow protection pads that will give you full flexibility and at the same time protect you from the worst bruises. If you often experience finger injuries, finger tape is a must have in your glove bag. In contrast to regular sports tape, the special finger tape gives more flexibility, and thus provides both protection and full ball control. Everything you shouldn’t live without
Before I knew about these products, I honestly didn’t feel like I needed any of them. Now I’ve gotten used to always bringing a bag of tape, shin guards, Glove Glu, a towel, a bottle and extra protection on the pitch - and now I never go without it!
This is the ultimate collection of accessories for any goalkeeper, who cares about his or her equipment, and doesn't let challenges get in the way of optimal performance.