Adidas unveil a new Messi15.1 boot inspired by the Argentina flag

During the summer adidas unveiled the Messi15, which was made in very close collaboration with the Argentinian wizard himself. He was an essential part of incorporating his Gambetta style of play, which is very unique to Argentina, in the boots technologies. Now adidas bring even more of his home country to the boot, with a new design inspired by the national flag.

There are definitely no prizes for guessing how the flag features, because from the pictures it’s pretty apparent. I think it’s a magnificent way of showing his pride in playing and representing his country everywhere he goes. The boots design is in and of itself classy enough that it will go well with the Barcelona kit, but then just take a second to imagine the next time he plays for Argentina - matching from top to toe.

2015 has undoubtedly been Messi’s year. There can’t be many who would argue against it if he ends up winning this season's Ballon d’Or, because he has elevated his game beyond anything we have ever seen. With his new boots he will be representing his country at all levels and be more inspired than ever to be the difference for his team.

Get your Gambeta on like Messi with the new adidas Messi15.1 football boot right here.

What makes this boot great in my eyes is not really the visual expression, because there it’s really only a white and blue boot. To me it’s the feeling that this boot is one that Messi himself has had his hands on and helped perfect. Hey, if it’s good enough for him, then it’s definitely good enough for me.

Lionel Messi will be working his magic in his new boots, when Barcelona kick off their Champions League campaign against Roma. Will you be joining him in wearing the new boots?