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Fun at The World's Best Football Store - A look at our 1212 event!

12/12 is a date we will remember for a very long time here at the Unisport offices, because it marked the opening day of our new flagship store on Strøget in Copenhagen. We don’t want to blow our own trumpet too much, but would instead take you through the jam packed day in the equally jam packed store. Get a look at how it went down here.

For the special day we had set up a pitch inside the store, where we would host a fairly large tournament and had invited a handful of friends from various futsal and panna teams, as well as some of our youtube friends like Vvbasvv, Daniel Dennehy, Learn2Freestyle and many others. They put on a show for everyone in the store to enjoy, with pannas galore!

Dreams and nightmares become reality in the @worldsbestfootballstore. #panna #grrmondays #unisportlife #worldsbestfootballstore

En video slået op af (@unisportstore) den

One of the pannas we enjoyed the most here at the office was the one you see above, which is one of our colleagues getting absolutely ruined by an 11 year old. In all fairness, the kid doing the panna is from a place called Panna House, so it’s not quite as shameful as we make it out to be, but still let’s just all laugh at him and continue to make him famous!

The freestylers were in the end knocked out of the tournament by some of the Futsal and panna teams, who probably had a bit more small-sided practise. This did however mean the freestylers had time to prepare a show for us and holy S#!t they delivered! Some of the combo’s they pulled off are completely off the chain and PWG in particular deserves some serious respect. We will just let the Instagram video below do the talking (Mind=blown).

The Champions of the tournament, at the World Best Football Store, who will now be the proud holders of the Unisport trophy was Zen of Futsal. They were very good value for their win and actually also went on to finish second in Nike’s Winner Stay tournament in Amsterdam, which just proves how insanely good they are. Congratulations on both achievements!

The main aim of the event was really just to show off the new store and have lots of fun with people around us. We definitely managed both and would like to thank absolutely everyone who joined us and everyone who watched it on the livestream, we hope to see you all again!