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Football boots Kids

549 Products
Looking for kids football boots? We have every boot you can think of right here in this category! Football boots for kids now feature the same innovations and technologies as the ones made for adults, so we're sure you can find a pair that fits your exact needs. Dive in and explore the selection of brands, colours, models and pricepoints, and pick your favourite pair. If you want to personalise your boots, we offer name and flag printing at great prices and with speedy delivery - that's #unisportlife.Read more

Great selection of kids' football boots online

Football boots for kids are equally as important as football boots for professional players. When you're young and in the developing phase of your career, it's really important that you have the right equipment. Kids football boots comes in a lot of different variations and models. Football boots for kids are made both with FG, AG and TF studs so that you can have the right boots for the ground you'll be playing on. Here at you'll find football boots for kids from all the biggest brands like Nike, adidas, PUMA, Umbro, New Balance and many, many more.

Your football boots are the single most important part of your gear when you're a football player. All the professional players wants the best possible boots, and the same goes for kids. Even if you're young, you really want to have the best boots on the market. Here at you'll find a huge selection of football boots for kids.

How to choose the right football boots for kids

You may think that buying football boots for kids is pretty straightforward and we don't necessarily disagree, but we do want to make sure that your are properly equipped to do so, as there are things to be aware of. If you follow this guide when you buy football boots for kids online, you're well on your way to get the most out of your purchase.

We have a vast selection of football boots for kids on our site and if it seems overwhelming to sift through all of them before settling on a pair, then this guide is for you. We want to help you narrow your search based on a few parameters that will act as guidelines to ensure the boots you end up with are the best fit for you and your kid.

Preferences play a big part in selecting the right football boots for your kid; everyone has some boxes they want checked, but luckily we've made that quite easy to do. If said preferences go towards a specific brand, colour, model or even position on the pitch, we've set up our filter to retrieve all the football boots that match your search query.

In our selection we have kids' football boots from brands such as Nike, adidas and PUMA and should you wish to view the boots from a specific brand, you simply check off the desired brand in the filters on the left-hand side of the page. You also have the option of combining search queries in such a way that you can browse between several brands at once.

As we've mentioned, preferences are important when choosing the right football boots for your kid; you may have some preferences towards the brand, soleplate, and budget, whereas your kid might have preferences towards the colour of the boot or the position on the pitch the football boot is best suited for. But with our search filter you'll be able to combine these preferences to customise your search and this way you'll only be shown the kids' football boots that match your requirements and preferences.

Choosing the right stud configuration for your kid's football boots

Choosing the right soleplate for your kid's football boots is not only important in terms of the expected from the boots, but it also has implications on preventing injuries and in terms of making sure you don't break your warranty and thereby your right to return the boots should they break. Any given soleplate has been designed with a specific surface in mind and should therefore only be used on that given surface.
As mentioned, there is a direct correlation between the level of performance to be expected from a given boot's soleplate and the surface on which it is used, but more importantly is the issue of losing your warranty. Below, we will try to cover all of the most common soleplates that brands use for their football boots for kids, and we will accordingly explain which soleplates can be employed on more than one surface, and which soleplates will cause you to lose your right to return the products is they are used on the wrong surface.

FG - Firm Ground football boots for kids

Firm ground football boots for kids are the most common available and they're specifically designed to be used on regular grass pitches that most young footballers find themselves playing on. The studs are relatively short and made of plastic to better grip in the grass surface while still providing the needed level of shock absorption to prevent any injuries to the joints in the legs. FG football boots for kids cannot be used on artificial grass surfaces as this will break the warranty and thereby your right to return them, should they break.

SG - Soft Ground football boots for kids

As the name might imply, soft ground football boots for kids are designed to be used on soft, natural grass surfaces; usually very wet grass pitches. The soleplates feature fewer, longer studs which are designed to provide better grip in wet, muddy conditions without picking up too much dirt and grass between the studs. It is possible to use soft ground football boots on regular grass pitches, but we highly recommend that you don't. With only a few studs to absorb the pressure from the impact with the ground, the shock absorption is below par when used on dry, firm grass pitches. It is therefore a matter of safety and health, as it can prove very harmful to your knees if you choose to use your kids soft ground football boots on dry grass pitches.

AG - Artificial Grass football boots for kids

AG football boots for kids are designed for artificial grass surfaces and can be recognised by their shorter studs.

Artificial grass pitches have become better and better over the years and have slowly, but surely evolved to become the most common substitute for natural grass pitches. Since artificial grass pitches have become so similar to natural grass pitches, a lot of confusion has risen as to whether one can use FG football boots on the artificial grass surfaces. The short answer is no. If you use football boots with an FG soleplate on artificial grass, you lose your right to return them.

However, some brands have created FG/AG soleplates that can be used on both artifical and natural grass pitches without infringing on the warranty.

TF - Turf football boots for kids

Kids' TF football boots are designed for turf and gravel surfaces that are much shorter than natural grass pitches and artificial grass pitches. The TF football boots for kids are characterised by their lack of studs on the soleplate. Instead of studs, TF football boots have a rugged sole that grips in the turf and gravel surfaces.

IC - Indoor Court football shoes for kids

For futsal and indoor football you're going to need a pair of indoor court football shoes for kids. These are designed with so-called non-marking football shoes that give you the best grip available without leaving any black marks on the court.

The ultimate boot selector

To make it even easier for you to find the perfect football boots for your kid, or yourself for that matter, we've introduced The Ultimate Boot Selector right here at Unisport. By answering a series of questions about your preferences and requirements regarding your football boots, we'll show you the three best matches for you. We currently update the ultimate boot selector with the newest football boots for kids available online and therefore you can remain certain you'll always be shown the most recent boots.

Unisport has kids football boots in all pricepoints

Football boots for kids are available at various pricepoints and we know that finding the match you, is just as much about matching your given budget, as it is about finding the coolest football boot out there. To make it easier for you to separate the different pricepoints from one another, we've divided the various football boots for kids into five distinct pricepoints that each match a different budget.

For superstars

In this category you'll find all the kids' football boots that are perfectly suited for the up-and-coming superstar! The football boots in this category include the top-tier models from brands such as Nike, adidas, and PUMA and they are packed to the brim with the latest technologies and innovations. The pricepoint of these boots reflect their worth and even though you'll find them in the high end of the price spectrum, you can be sure youll be getting exactly what you're paying for; a football boot fit for an up-and-coming superstar!

The pro player's choice

If you're looking for some of the best football boots the market has to offer, without splurging for the utmost expensive, The Pro Player's Choice is the perfect pricepoint for you. In this category you'll find many to the top football boots for kids that brands such as Nike, adidas and PUMA have to offer, whilst still priced just below the most expensive boots on the market.

Value for money

If you're looking to get you money's worth with you next purchase of kids' football boots, this is the pricepoint for you. It is no coincidence that we've marked the boots with the label Value for Money, as they really have a lot to offer when you take their respective price in to consideration.


If you're wondering where you can find some of our all-time favourites based on what previous customers have bought, you've found the right pricepoint for you. All the kids' football boots that have been labelled as bestsellers have all earned their stamps of approval. These football boots remain at a very reasonable price. but still offer you great performance for your money. If you're looking to buy kids' football boots online, this pricepoint category is a very good place to start!

Lowest price

If you want to buy a pair of football boots for kids at the lowest price available, this is where you'll find our online selection of such. The kids' football boots that have been labelled under this pricepoint are perfect for you and your kid, if you're just looking for a pair of boots for the occasional kick-about or if you're looking for an intro-level boot without having to break the bank to buy them.

Buy Football boots for kids online

When you buy your kids football boots from, you can always be sure to get the best possible treatment. And remember that we always have good prices and fast delivery when you order your new football boots for kids online. So what are you waiting for? We're sure that you'll find the boots that you're looking for here at Unisportstore, and if we don't have exactly what you're looking for - you can always reach out to our Customer Service that will help you out!