The story of the sneakers – the shoes for the sports person - is quite interesting and exciting. The invention of these sneakers dates back to 1900, when Keds, a company marketed these sportswear shoes. Henry Nelson McKinney named these shoes with rubber bottoms as sneakers, due to the less or no noise they made on the hard surface as compared to the shoes with hard soles.
Sneakers are made up of flexible sole of rubber or any other synthetic material, with its outer surface made up of canvas or leather. After Keds, many company like Converse came to the forefront and marketed these low-noise soft soled sneakers.
Sneakers were so popular that celebrities promoted it for various companies to made money. The later trend shows that the sneakers were also named after many celebrities, like Michael Jordan and Shaquille O’Neal. The product not only helped them earn money through endorsement, but also branded their name along with the product. Some of the most popular sneakers belong to the brands are Nike’s Air Force One and adidas’ Superstar, which won the hearts of many.
Sneakers are available in all price ranges. Starting from 20 euro, the price range of the sneakers varies with the design of the product. However, the price of the sneaker is often misleading as a high priced sneaker is same in quality to wear when compared with a low-priced sneaker. The only difference is the design of the same.