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The epic story of CR7 told with Nike Mercurial

From Savage Beauty to Natural Diamond to the Discovery. So far the story of CR7 has been full of metaphors and symbolism. Is this the greatest story ever told about a football player?

Let’s quickly agree on one thing. Cristiano Ronaldo is far from the first, nor will he be the last football player, who has managed to play against all odds to become a great football player. However, if you take everything into account, this might just be the best, most impressive way to tell the story of a football player.

Brands have designed signature boots all the way back to legends such as Maradona and Matthäus. However, never has a brand created a so well scripted and thoroughly designed concept as the one Nike have made with their story about CR7.

When Nike back in 2015 presented the Mercurial Superfly 4 Chapter 1: Savage Beauty, it was with the promise to take us all on an epic journey to learn about one of the greatest and most iconic football players in history and looking back one and a half year, I must admit that Nike are living up to their promise on all parameters.

The designs on all three boots have been mind-blowing, unique and very smart with their symbolic references to specific events and/or characteristics in CR7’s life.

Continued below.

My personal favorite, however, is undoubtedly the latest in the series, Chapter 3: Discovery. Partly because of the design, which I think is the best one in the Mercurial Superfly 5, but also because of the reference to the specific match. I like the idea of taking a happening that actually took place in history and giving it meaning.

Looking at the three previous boots, you would probably think that the next one would be about Manchester United. However, given that Manchester United no longer is sponsored by Nike, I’m betting the Chapter 4 will a reference to some personal achievement. Maybe his first International match, his first Golden Boot or his first Balon d’Or. My guess is just as good as yours. What do you think?