adidas "Speed of Light" | somehow simple and flamboyant at the same time!

Today just became the biggest football boot launch day of the year! Following up on this morning's Nike Magista II presentation, adidas now introduce the Speed of Light to steal the limelight. It certainly has my attention!
Although the celebrations following the European Championship have far from died down entirely yet, the brands are now ready to shift things into gear release overdrive. PUMA and Nike have already gone big with entirely new unveilings and now adidas join the fray in style. An adidas X 16+ PureChaosl in red, A blue Messi 16+ PureAgility and neon adidas ACE 16+ PureControl - vibrant to say the least!
The new adidas football boots will be bringing some serious colour to the football pitches this pre-season and the brave design definitely lives up the equally bold name “Speed of Light.“ The inspiration for the new collection and its colourways comes from the way colours are created, when light speed experiments are being conducted and the light refracts to create an impressive aurora-like lightshow.
The Mercury Pack played such an important role during this summer and will for that reason also stand out as a very special collection of football boots. However, with that being said, if you asked me to judge the boots only on looks, I must admit I’m a far bigger fan of the Speed of Light boots! The simple design and choice to only use one colour tone works so well and will really make them stand out!