adidas baselayer is designed to give the best training especially in the winter months, when it sometimes can be too cold to use shorts. adidas baselayer gives good ventilation, meanwhile your muscles can keep the warmth.
It is very important, that you during training don't lose the warmth in your muscles, because this could make your performance poor. But in the same time you shouldn't feel that you are wearing to much clothes. This is exactly what the adidas baselayer is designed for.
adidas baselayer gives you all the function that you need without compromising with comfort or weight. The adidas baselayer er sewed so it fits closer to the body and gives compression to the places needed without getting uncomfortable. The different technologies ensures optimal airflow which keeps heat and moisture away from the body.
The technology from the adidas baselayer is made to ensure that you can perform you best at practice or competitions. By being poor dressed can also give a risk for cold muscles and the body uses more energy on heating them up, than focusing on your performance. One need not be an elite athlete to pull on a adidas baselayer, it is used by people at both elite and recreational sports of all ages. We here at Unisportstore.com are confident that we have what you are looking for when it comes to baselayer. So click around and find the right adidas baselayer for you.